One of the most diligent and dedicated distributors/brokers in the component industry.

Count on us, an Independent Stocking Distributor, for reliable service, quick quotes, fast delivery, and exceptional prices.

EnTex Tech LLC

EnTex Tech is committed to providing exceptional service and competitive prices in the component business. As an independent stocking distributor, we take pride in our reliability, fast quotations, immediate delivery, and unmatched expertise in sourcing hard-to-find, obsolete, and allocated parts.
Our team is dedicated to providing you with the highest level of professionalism and efficiency. We understand that finding the right components for your business can be a challenge, but with EnTex Tech, you can trust that your sourcing needs will be met quickly and accurately.
Whether you need a single component or a large order, we are here to help. With our extensive inventory and industry connections, we are confident that we can meet your needs at the most competitive prices.

Our Services

Hard to Find Component Assistance

EnTex Tech LLC specializes in sourcing hard-to-find electronic components, including obsolete, end-of-life, and OEM electronic parts. Not only do we maintain a huge selection of hard-to-find electronic parts and passive components, we are dedicated to offering them at the most competitive prices you’ll find.

Worldwide Purchase

EnTex Tech has established partnerships with many top suppliers worldwide, which makes part search with us easier and faster than ever. Our online inventory sharing with our partner suppliers provides quick access to a vast range of components, ensuring that we can meet all your sourcing needs with competence and efficiency.

Testing Service through Professional Laboratory

At our cooperative laboratory, we perform a range of tests for our customers using advanced equipment and tools. Our testing capabilities include Electrical Test Instruments, X-ray NDT Machines, Digital Calipers, External and Internal Visual Inspectors, Memory Test Machines, Programming Test Machines, and RoHS Test Instruments.
We understand the importance of accurate and reliable testing in ensuring the quality of your products, which is why we use only the latest equipment and technology to provide the most comprehensive testing services.



We are a multinational service provider, specializing in testing and supply chain services for the electronics manufacturing and distribution industry. Our commitment to quality and innovation sets us apart, and we work closely with our customers to deliver customized solutions that meet their specific needs.
With decades of experience, our suppliers are leaders in the industry, delivering innovative solutions that help our customers stay ahead of the competition. We understand the importance of reliable and efficient supply chain services in today’s fast-paced market, and we work tirelessly to provide the most efficient and effective services to our customers.










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